Partnering in our commitment to biodiversity
Creek 53 is pleased to announce the success of its first conservation initiative and our contribution to Nature Conservancy Canada’s (NCC) objective of raising awareness among landowners of ways to promote the presence of field birds on their properties.
The project drew on the expertise and collaboration of NCC and Développement ornithologique Argenteuil (DOA), as well as the active participation of landowners. Together, we made meaningful progress in ensuring the conservation of healthy populations of field birds in the local area.
Field work
We set out to raise awareness among landowners about the presence of field birds on their properties, and to help them take action. In June 2022, representatives from NCC and a specialist from DOA visited the properties of three local landowners and recommended a number of ways landowners could help improve the field birds’ habitat. In particular, the recommendations touched on haying operations, hedgerow maintenance, perching sites and nesting boxes.
After presenting the recommendations to the landowners and securing their interest implementing them, Creek 53 obtained a grant from NCC to work with DOA on installing, monitoring, and maintaining 55 nesting boxes and 30 perches on the three properties.
The nest boxes are designed to meet the requirements of Tree Swallows and Eastern Bluebirds, whereas the perches are expected to be used by Bobolinks, Eastern Meadowlarks, Eastern Kingbirds, Flycatchers, and Eastern Bluebirds.
Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis)
Insulated nest boxes
The bottom of each box is fitted with a small square of rigid insulation that gives the first returning Tree Swallows a better chance of survival. These “scouts” arrive to the area several days before the main group. Although they are hardy birds, they often face decidedly cold night temperatures; the added insulation in the nest box reduces mortality.
Each nest box is numbered and its GPS coordinates recorded. In the fall, DOA staff will be by to clean out the boxes. They will also keep long-term records on the use of each box.
Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)
Haying operations
Bobolinks are migratory birds that come to our area in the spring to breed. Their population is dwindling population, and for this reason, they benefit from a legal protection status in Canada.
Bobolinks can be found in hayfields and meadows, where they nest on the ground. Haying operations can have a devastating impact on Bobolink nests. However, a slight modification to how and when the hay is cut can greatly decrease the loss of Bobolinks.
With this initiative, we were able to give landowners the information they needed to help ensure the continuation of healthy populations of Bobolinks in their hay fields.
Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
A year in the making
This summer, Creek 53 volunteers, DOA staff and an intern from NCC will be watching the hay fields and meadows to validate the use of the perches and monitor activity in the nest boxes.
We are grateful to NCC and DOA for generously providing their expertise, funding and cooperation. We extend an extra-special thank you to the participating landowners for their willingness to take action to help ensure healthy populations of field birds in our area.