What we do

Great white trilliums - Trillium grandiflorum - Trilles blancs

Our mission is to preserve the biodiversity and ecosystem integrity of an area of ecological importance and natural beauty within the Hudson escarpment and the Creek 53 watershed.

  • Creek 53 brings together landowners, Trustees, stewards, and like-minded organizations enthusiastic to join us in accomplishing our mission.
  • Creek 53 Trustees administer lands and conservation servitudes held in perpetuity, for social purpose.
  • We work to protect the ecosystems of the Hudson escarpment and the Creek 53 watershed which house a great diversity of flora and fauna within wetlands, forests and meadows.
  • Creek 53 Conservancy Trust is a registered charity (BN 794957811 RR0001).
Temperate deciduous forest - Forêt décidue tempérée

We’re passionate about making an impact with our extensive research, education, and awareness initiatives.

  • Creek 53 supports world-class environmental research. We study the Creek 53 watershed land and use the scientific evidence gained to learn where we’re at, where we’re going, and where we need to intervene.
  • Education is vital. We share the Creek 53 ecosystems with host students to foster learning that will improve the future for all of us.
  • Education isn’t limited to the classroom. We curate innovative and creative ways to share knowledge within our community as well as with peers and other municipalities.
  • By generating awareness, we inspire people around the world to take action to preserve their natural environments.
Herbaceous meadow -  pré herbacée

Creek 53 is about community. We actively seek out individuals interested in making a difference by participating in our mission

  • We recruit volunteers to participate in maintaining and preserving the richness of the land through our Community Stewardship Program.
  • Through our Community Stewardship Program, we educate our community, promote awareness of Creek 53, and celebrate our accomplishments.
  • Creek 53 is founded on the generosity of local landowners who value our natural environment and want to see it preserved for future generations.
  • We know that donating land isn’t always an option. As a registered charity we accept financial donations to support our stewardship, research and education activities. Every donation has an impact.
  • We value the strong relationships we have with each other and with our donors and contributors.