
A summer exploring insects and spiders in Hudson

A summer exploring insects and spiders in Hudson

In February 2023, I received an email from my supervisor with the idea of conducting a survey to explore and catalogue the insects and spiders on protected properties that he...

A summer exploring insects and spiders in Hudson

In February 2023, I received an email from my supervisor with the idea of conducting a survey to explore and catalogue the insects and spiders on protected properties that he...

Celebrate the Flora and Fauna of Hudson’s Creek 53

Celebrate the Flora and Fauna of Hudson’s Creek 53

Come learn about Creek 53 on Saturday 4 November, 5-7 PM at Cardinal Microbrasserie (466 rue Main, Hudson). This event doubles as a Vernissage to celebrate spectacular watercolour paintings by...

Celebrate the Flora and Fauna of Hudson’s Creek 53

Come learn about Creek 53 on Saturday 4 November, 5-7 PM at Cardinal Microbrasserie (466 rue Main, Hudson). This event doubles as a Vernissage to celebrate spectacular watercolour paintings by...

Nestbox - Boîte de nidification - Développement ornithologique d'Argenteuil

Partnering in our commitment to biodiversity

Successful conservation initiative in partnership with NCC, DOA and landowners to promote the presence of healthy populations of field birds in the Creek 53 watershed area

Partnering in our commitment to biodiversity

Successful conservation initiative in partnership with NCC, DOA and landowners to promote the presence of healthy populations of field birds in the Creek 53 watershed area

Nature Canada Conservance property survey - Inventaire des données de terrain par Conservation de la nature Canada

Property surveys: Assessing ecological signific...

Providing property-specific conservation recommendations and species identification to landowners along with personalized flora and fauna booklets

Property surveys: Assessing ecological signific...

Providing property-specific conservation recommendations and species identification to landowners along with personalized flora and fauna booklets

Jumping spider - Salticidae - Araignée sauteuse

Creek 53 welcomes its first researcher

This spring Creek 53 will welcome Savannah Burroughs to the area.  Savannah is a McGill student who will be surveying key arthropod groups in the dominant habitat types found in...

Creek 53 welcomes its first researcher

This spring Creek 53 will welcome Savannah Burroughs to the area.  Savannah is a McGill student who will be surveying key arthropod groups in the dominant habitat types found in...